This information is not comprehensive, is only current at the date initially published and does not constitute medical advice. Do not rely on any content for clinical decision making and instead seek appropriate professional advice. Continence Matters is not responsible for any loss anyone suffers in connections with the use of this information.

For Doctors & Health Professionals

Continence Course Resourses



Online Continence Course for Health Professionals - RACGP-accredited 3-Hours Educational Activity - visit the Course Page

This is one supplier in Australia of pessaries for vaginal prolapse: Pessary Order

Pessary Use Guidelines

Patient questionairre you may choose to use in your Measuring Outcome Acvitity Urinary Distress Inventory, Short Form (UDI-6)

The Continence Foundation of Australia have numerous patient information brochures, available in several languages: CFA brochure order details

The Australian Government Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care: Patient Information Brochure on the Treatment Options for Stress Urinary Incontinence

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